Monday, 14 April 2014

2014 NASA International Space Apps Challenge - TETRIS GroupSpace Apps Challenge 2014 - TETRIS Space Suit HUD demo with a Raspberry

As part of the 2014 NASA International Space Apps Challenge I joined an Auckland AUT University Textile Lab group to support their space suit concept idea with some cool wireless video and sensor streaming based on Raspberry Pi.

TETRIS (Terran Expeditionary Technologically Radical Instrumental Suit) is designing a suit, aimed for use by astronauts in space, which will make the astronaut’s work easier and safer to perform. It achieves this by embedding many of the new technologies being released in the recent years into the suit itself in order to: - monitor the astronaut’s life signs and condition via biometric sensors, such as a galvanic sensor for emotions, pulse sensor for the heart rate - allow simple integrated communication via a shoulder mounted camera and microphone - display biometric information to user via projected HUD - take simple electrical readings (when testing/diagnosing equipment) via embedded measurement tools (threaded conductive fabric in gloves) These hardware devices all interface with a RaspberryPi, being used as a central control unit in our design, as well the transceiver for all wireless communications between the astronaut and their remote operations control room.

Link to the 2014 Space Apps project website

The Raspberry Pi video camera live capture was streamed into the remote browser with an overlay of the HUD mockup.

Sources here